Per each entry collected, Epicollect5 add some metadata automatically.
The unique identifier of the row of data.
For child forms only, the unique identifier of the parent row of data.
For branch forms only, the unique identifier of the form entry that owns the branch row of data.
The name of the column in your main form that lists how many branches you have for each entry.
Timestamp when the entry is uploaded to the server. Subsequent uploads, due to editing for example, will update this value.
Timestamp when the entry was created.
Private projects only, the email of the user who created the entry (if available, if a project was initially set as public, those public entries will not have any user linked.
Location questions
Each location question is split into six parts, with the prefixes:
lat_ (latitude)
long_ (longitude)
accuracy_ (accuracy)
UTM_Northing_ (UTM Northing)
UTM_Easting_ (UTM Easting)
UTM_zone_ (UTM Zone)
The location data are provided in both decimal degrees (to 6 decimal places precision) and UTM format.
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