Epicollect5 Citation

Proper citation is crucial for acknowledging the sources of your information and giving credit to the original authors.

Web Citation:

When citing EpiCollect from the web, use the following format:

Centre for Genomic Pathogen Surveillance. [insert current year]. Epicollect5. Available at: https://five.epicollect.net. Last accessed: [insert date here]Copy

Replace [insert current year] with the current year and [insert date here] with the date you last accessed the site.

Original Paper:

If you’re citing the original paper, use this citation:

Aanensen DM, Huntley D, Feil EJ, al-Own F, Spratt BG (2009) EpiCollect: linking smartphones to web applications for epidemiology, ecology and community data collection. PLoS ONE Sep 16;4(9):e6968Copy

Secondary Paper:

For the secondary paper, use this citation:

Aanensen DM, Huntley DM, Menegazzo M, Powell CI, Spratt BG. (2014) EpiCollect+: linking smartphones to web applications for complex data collection projects. F1000Res. Aug 20;3:199. doi: 10.12688/f1000research.4702.1Copy

Please adhere to the recommended style guide as per your institution's guidelines.

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