Platforms and Media

Epicollect5 mobile app is available for Android and iOS.

Please note that the supported versions of our application may change over time due to requirements imposed by Google and Apple. These requirements may include updates to the minimum API levels for Android or iOS versions supported by Apple devices.

As a result, older versions of our application may become incompatible with the latest operating systems or may no longer receive updates and support. To ensure the best experience and access to the latest features and security enhancements, we recommend regularly updating to the latest version of the application available on the respective app stores.

The mobile app is currently available for both Android (10+) and iOS (14+)


We support phones and tablets on Android 10 and onwards.

Download it from the Play Store. If Epicollect5 does not work for you and gets stuck at the splash screen, you can try to update Chrome and the WebView as explained at this link.

You could also try to install an older version from this link.

We do not support older versions of our app, apps sideloaded or running on rooted devices.


We support iPhones and iPads with iOS 14+.

Download it from the App Store.

Media files


Photos taken/imported to Epicollect5 will be resized to a resolution of 1024 x 768 px (landscape or portrait, aspect ratio 4:3). They will saved in .jpg format.

When using the web application, accepted formats are jpeg,jpg,png but the resulting image will be resized and saved as jpg.

We found this size to be reasonable for data collection purposes, it is stable across devices with low memory/specs and easily viewable via the web application. Due to modern devices taking pictures at crazy resolutions and with file sizes up to 20MB we had to come up with a consistent solution.

If you want the original, full-size image we recommend taking the photos outside of Epicollect5 and then importing them in Epicollect5 using the image picker when adding an entry. That way the original photo is saved in the device gallery app.

As a side note, the popular app Instagram does use a similar approach.

As technology evolves, we might raise the resolution limits at some point in the future.


Audio files are stored as.mp4 on Android and .wav on iOS.

They are coded as AAC with 44100hz audio sampling.

The maximum file size is 100MB.


Video files are stored as .mp4 files, coded as h.264 on iOS, and on Android it depends on the platform and device, but it is sent always as a mp4 file.

The maximum file size is 500MB.

Last updated