Downloading Media

If your project is public, a direct URL for each media file is included in the csv or JSON file generated when data are exported, enabling easy download and access. See Downloading Data However, if your project is private, only the file name is provided, as there are no public URLs available for privacy reasons.

To view media files from a private project, log in to the Dataviewer. You can browse, preview, and download individual media files (photos, audio, videos) using your web browser. See Viewing entries

We are aware that bulk downloading can streamline workflows and have added this feature to our development roadmap for future updates.

For developers: If you're comfortable with coding, you can automate media retrieval using our official API. Detailed documentation on fetching media files is available here: Epicollect API - Get Media

Why no direct URLs for private media? Private project media files are secured behind authentication protocols. Attempting to access them via a direct URL will result in a 404 Not Found error because the files are not publicly exposed to the internet. This ensures that sensitive data remains protected, aligning with our commitment to user privacy and data security.

Last updated