Add Projects

On the Epicollect5 mobile application, the process of adding projects is handled manually.

Here's what this process entails:

  1. Manual Project Addition: Users must add projects to the mobile app manually. This way, users can choose which projects they want to participate in.

  2. Project Structure Only: When a user adds a project to the app, only the empty structure of the project is added. This structure includes the project's design, such as the forms and questions that participants will fill out. The app does not sync any existing entries from the project.

  3. No Project or Entries Syncing: The app does not automatically sync project data or entries from the server. This means that users will not receive any existing entries or updates from the server when they add a project to the app. However, if a project is updated and the user is still using an old version, a prompt will be shown when trying to upload entries.

  4. User Authentication Not Required For Public Projects: Users can add public projects to the mobile app whether they are logged in or not. This provides flexibility for users who may not have a registered account or want to remain anonymous.

  5. Focus on Data Collection: By focusing on adding the project structure rather than syncing data, the app aims to provide a simple and efficient way for users to collect data on the go.

Key Considerations:

  • User-Controlled Project Participation: Since users must manually add projects to the app, they have control over which projects they want to join and contribute data to.

  • No Data Sharing: The lack of project and entry syncing means that each user works with their own local copy of the project's empty structure. Users will not see each other's data or entries.

  • Privacy and Security: By not requiring user authentication or syncing project data, the app maintains a higher level of privacy and security for users.

Overall, this approach provides users with a clear and controlled experience when participating in projects using the Epicollect5 app. It allows users to focus on data collection while maintaining their privacy and autonomy in choosing projects.

To add a project, tap the + ADD PROJECT button at the top right corner of the PROJECTS page.

An internet connection is required to be able to search and add projects.

You will be presented with the ADD PROJECT page, where you can search for a project by typing its name.

The search will begin once you enter 3 or more characters.

You will be presented with a list of matches.

Tap the desired project to download it.

If the project is private, you will be prompted to log in.

You must be a member of a private project to download it.

Once successfully authenticated, just tap the project you wish to add and it will be downloaded to the device.

The project will be added to your PROJECTS home page.

Last updated