Demo Projects
EC5 DEMO PROJECT: This demo project is a public project to be used by anyone who would like to test Epicollect5. It comes preloaded when you download the Epicollect5 app from the Play Store or the App Store. Feel free to add any entry, just remember your entries are public therefore other people can see them. Have fun!
EC5 HIERARCHY PROJECT: A demo project with multiple linked forms
EC5 COMPLEX PROJECT: Unleash the power of Epicollect5 to tackle complex projects. Multiple forms, branches and groups, we got you covered.
EC5 LIMIT ENTRIES: Demo project where the total number of entries per each for and branch is limited to a fixed amount.
EC5 MEDIA PROJECT: A project to test media entries like audio, video and photos.
EC5 BRANCH PROJECT: A project showing the use of branches on Epicollect5. Branches are a way to implement a dynamic list or sub-forms, useful on questions like "List your family members" for example.
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